Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction (1946) - First Signed Edition & Programme

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Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction cover
Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction cover

Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction (Washington: Library of Congress, 1946)

Some time in the last week or so, I say, "Stuff it!" and I did/do need some cheering up. So thus in a reckless mood I pressed "Add to basket" a book that I had been wanting for quite some time without giving it another thought. And today it is here, and I can hardly contain my excitement.

With his acute sense of financial matters, W. Somerset Maugham was quite aware of the value of his manuscripts and first editions. At first he had in mind to sell his manuscripts, with the proceeds from which he planned to set up a prize for young writers to travel. Later, when Barbara Back, one of his closest friends, fell into difficulty upon the death of her husband, he advised her to sell the inscribed first editions of his works that he gave her.

Somehow his initial plan of selling his manuscripts fell through, and in 1946, after WWII, he presented the manuscripts of Of Human Bondage and its first version "The Artistic Temperament of Stephen Carey" to the Library of Congress, as an expression of gratitude to the welcome that he and his daughter and her family received in the United States. It is for this occasion that Maugham wrote this essay, a speech that he gave on 20 April, 1946.

Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction autograph
Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction autograph

The speech itself is an interesting exposition on the purpose of fiction. Since Horace, prodesse et delectare have been the main objectives of a literary work. Pleasure and instruction should go hand in hand. This idea was revived in the sixteenth century and anything that didn't instruct was frowned upon. Writers hurried to add some didactic features to disguise/balance the entertainment they were providing, chapters of disposition on moral values and human virtues in between all the more colourful vices. If they put something that may cause potential problems with the Inquisition, oh well, they were put there with the best intention, to instruct the readers.

Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction programme
Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction programme

I am simplifying and generalizing, of course, but this is enough for giving a background to Maugham's exhortation. That was the tradition, and then in his day, fiction full of instructions/propaganda once again became fashionable. Maugham is strongly against the prodesse part; he believes that delectare is enough to justify the existence of fictional works, while gently reminding his audience that novelists are by no means the quarter from which they should look for information of the pressing matters of the day. He also mentions how ephemeral fashion and trends are. One's work, if it is to last, has to relate to something intrinsically human.

I think what he is saying is that, for example, Liza of Lambeth as a slum novel may make people at that time to be aware of the living conditions of the slum inhabitants. In this way, it may be termed educational. Some novelists may write something like that as propaganda to raise society's consciousness towards the neglected class. However, readers need to be aware that foremost a novel is fiction, and shouldn't begin to take everything within as facts. The novelist, legitimately, puts the emphasis on certain characters, which by no means are representative of the whole scenario. It is made with the aim to make you sympathetic with or against them; they shouldn't be used as if they were real without applying further analysis and critical thinking.

Having listened to Maugham's voice I keep hearing his rising and falling tone while reading the text. It must have been a delightful occasion! If time travel were possible, I would like to be at the Coolidge Auditorium of the Library Congress at 8:30 pm on 20 April 1946, smartly dressed, with a ticket in my hand.

As I mentioned, I have been wanting to get a copy of this booklet. There are 800 copies printed first, 500 of which were signed by Maugham. A second trade edition came out, unsigned, bearing "second printing" with 2,500 copies.

Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction programme manuscript
Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction programme manuscript

Naturally I coveted the signed copy, but it's more than that. I also wanted the programme, because it contains the facsimile of the first page of the manuscript of Of Human Bondage, which means the price keeps going up. Consolation or not, besides my lighter wallet, a programme of The Literary Society on 8 May 1965 somehow got inserted in my little book. It must have been quite a night, with big names like Werner Lywen, Andres Archila, William McDonald. Unfortunately, I am not sure which The Literary Society it is referring to. An interesting piece of paper nonetheless.

Later in 1971, the booklet was reprinted by the Folcroft Library Editions, issuing only 150 copies, which I have only seen in a library and not in any catalogue. However, though scarce, it is without doubt more worthwhile to get the first edition, signed.

Am I cheered up? Certainly! Nothing like adding a good old book in one's collection!

You can read the full text at My Maugham Collection Concordance Library.

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Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction at AbeBooks
