Far and Wide. Nine Novels (The Companion Book Club) - W. Somerset Maugham

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Far and Wide, 2 vols. 1955

Far and Wide. Nine Novels by W. Somerset Maugham Selected by the Author. 2 vols. London: The Companion Book Club, 1955.

Besides first editions, from time to time I get drawn to some copies that may have nothing special "bibliographically," but just that they are pleasing to the eye. It is an aesthetic pleasure that is hard to explain.

Such is what I felt when I lay eyes on these two volumes: Far and Wide published by The Companion Book Club. As the title suggests, this is a collection of nine of Maugham's novels, selected as worth re-printing by the author himself. These nine novels are:

Vol. I
  • Liza of Lambeth
  • Cakes and Ale
  • Theatre
  • The Moon and Sixpence
  • The Narrow Corner
Vol. II
  • The Painted Veil
  • Christmas Holiday
  • Up at the Villa
  • The Razor's Edge

Nine is an odd number, which can be explained away by the simple fact that this collection was first published by Heinemann in 1953 in 3 volumes as The Selected Novels of W. Somerset Maugham, and each volume contains 3 novels. The logic of the arrangement isn't clear though. Presumably they have to be distributed nicely, with comparable length in the two volumes; other criteria aren't obvious. On the other hand, some insight may be gained if one is to read them in the order prescribed.

Far and Wide binding

Accompanying each novel is a new preface on the circumstance under which Maugham took up the task to write it. The prefaces that Maugham wrote over the years for different editions are not identical, and most of the time they vary, even though perhaps not too significantly. The prefaces are the same as the previous Heinemann selected novels edition, but different from the collected editions and the pocket editions. Certainly these nine novels are worth reading and re-reading.

Presumably the edition was to accompany Maugham's fame of becoming a member of the Order of the Companions of Honour in 1954. Sell it while it's hot... Furthermore, as its name suggests, it was published by a book club, whose survival depended on whether it could satisfy popular demands of its members. At that time book clubs must have been changing their modus operandi, as no member fee was required besides the purchase of a monthly book.

Now, besides the worthy nine novels, prefaces, and, naturally, affordable price, there is something else that can be said about this edition. I mentioned before that the volumes are pleasing to the eye, and I can't agree more with AbeBooks's editorial. The theme of this dust jacket is very similar to the endpapers of the Heinemann Pocket Edition in the 1930s. The book itself is well-bound. Despite containing 5 novels, the book fits nicely into your hand for a comfy reading, which is a consideration that is about to disappear with our "new" habit with the eReaders. Some attention must have been paid to it, the papers aren't extra thin, nor the font extra small, yet everything fits nicely. You can take it to the train and not to worry about the lack of entertainment. I should speak in the past tense...

Considering the affordability of these books, there is no reason not to grab them when they are available.

Far and Wide at AbeBooks
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