Review of The Other Side of Silence by Philip Kerr

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The other side of silence by Philip Kerr Somerset Maugham & Alan Searle in Villa Mauresque in 1956
W. Somerset Maugham in The Other Side of Silence by Philip Kerr

Kerr, Philip. The Other Side of Silence. New York: Putnam's Sons, 2016.

There was a lot of publicity and many positive reviews before the book came out in March, and I was pretty curious about it. I gather that Philip Kerr has lots of fans, but that is not the reason why I was interested in the book. I was anxiously waiting for it because W. Somerset Maugham is one of the characters in the novel.

I wanted to see how Maugham is recreated, to see him in flesh and blood. On the other hand, it is a great compliment to Maugham to become a fictional character.

However, instead of taking me 2 days to read it, as I thought it would, it took me 2 months to finish it. Somehow I just didn't feel engaged.

Bernie Gunther, under the assumed name of Walter Wolf, is now the concierge of the Grand hotel on the Riviera. It is 1956 and one way or another he gets involved in a case of Maugham being blackmailed by a former Gestapo officer that he knew from before in Berlin under flimsy circumstances. Soon Anne French, a femme fatale, comes into the picture and the blackmail turns out to be something much larger, etc.

For a period I was quite into P. D. James and I am still with John le Carré. Although I do enjoy a Poirot or Sherlock Holmes book from time to time, series is not really my thing. Sometimes I devour horror, detective, spy novels or psychological thrillers, turning page after page neglecting whatever else I am supposed to do. So I do have this obsessive streak in me.

I hadn't read any of Kerr's novels before and had no idea who Bernie Gunther was. Somehow he comes out as so unattractive at the beginning that it takes a leap of faith to believe that people like him, and every one depends on him to make things right.

Disappointingly, I feel embarrassed to see Maugham. The efforts to fit in the historical Maugham are apparent, but maybe too apparent. I wonder if it would have felt differently and the character more natural if he weren't called Maugham.

Nevertheless, once the transition is over, when it becomes clear that it is about Gunther, the narrative becomes smoother. Poor Robin Maugham comes out badly though. Alan Searle is so minor that his presence is simply because you can't not mention him if you talk about Maugham in the '50s. The butler is more interesting than him.

At times, especially at the beginning, the novel reads like a tourist guide and a history book, with Gunther full of information like an encyclopedia.

It feels awkward although I know it is to help reader who is not familiar with the history of intelligence services or WWII (like me) to follow the story. Dialogues are full of clauses to explain the function of different bodies, for example:

"Certainly I had contact with people who worked for the Petrograd VRK and the Cheka—the forerunner of the KGB—when I was there."

"I met a Russian called Alexander Orlov who recruited me into the Russian People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, the NKVD—the forerunner of the KGB, Russia's foreign intelligence service."

"Orlov introduced me to another man called Arnold Deutsch, code named Otto, who urged me first to join the BBC—where I was a Talks Assistant; and then as war approached, MI6, which is Britain's foreign intelligence service."

This type of explanations keeps jumping out of the page at me.

I don't know if it's for character building, but Gunther comes out as homophobic. The message seems to be that homosexuals are suffocating and one can only spend so much time with them, and their conversation is always about sex and gossips. The love story between Gunther and French is oddly out of place and the description reads forced.

It must be quite different for followers of the Gunther series, since certainly their starting point would vary from mine and they would have a mental picture of Gunther firmly set already. I surmise that if you don't have sympathy for the protagonist the novel is quite gone for you.

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The Other of Silence at AbeBooks
