
Showing posts from August, 2015

For Services Rendered - W. Somerset Maugham & Howard Davies

Finally, it appears that someone has got it right.

W. Somerset Maugham's play For Services Rendered is being performed at the moment at Minerva Theatre, Chichester, directed by Howard Davies.

The reviews are nothing but glowing.

Of Human Bondage – Is It Worth While?

Review of Of Human Bondage
I came across an interesting old review of Of Human Bondage (1915), published on 18 August 1915, exactly a hundred years ago and five days after the novel came out in Britain, in Daily Telegraph.

It was written by W. L. Courtney and was not selected by Curtis and Whitehead in their anthology of contemporary criticism of Maugham's works, The Critical Heritage.

I don't find W. L. Courtney in the anthology, but in Wikipedia there is a brief outline of who he w…