
Showing posts from March, 2015

"W. Somerset Maugham" in Seven Friends by Louis Marlow

Marlow, Louis. Seven Friends. London: The Richards Press, 1953.
This post is about a most fascinating book by Louis Marlow, whom I know next to nothing, except that he has written a chapter on W. Somerset Maugham.

Louis Marlow's real name is Louis Wilkinson (1881–1966), as observed, died just a year after Maugham; an Englishman who lectured widely in the United States.

A writer himself, he also wrote about other writer friends that he knew.

What is most attractive about Marlow is that…

Books of Criticism on W. Somerset Maugham

Following some previous posts, here are the last old volumes on English Literature recovered from storage. We will be looking at the entries of W. Somerset Maugham, which are brief in these few books.

Evans, Ifor, Sir. A Short History of English Literature. Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1962.
Popularity sometimes affects the judgements of critics in estimating the worth of a writer, and no modern author has suffered in this way as much as W. Somerset Maugham (b. 1874). His early novels, whic…