
Showing posts from October, 2014

Maugham in Translations - "The Poet" in French and Spanish

Maugham in Translations
This post deviates a bit from others that I have been writing for the blog, but one way or another, one comes eventually into contact with W. Somerset Maugham in translations if you are interested in him long enough.

A comment that Maugham makes in a short story impressed me so much that although I had forgotten what the rest of the story was about, except that it took place in Italy (due to this wonderful ability of his of capturing the idiosyncrasies of his carefully…

For Services Rendered. A Play in Three Acts by W. Somerset Maugham - First Edition

For Services Rendered (London: Heinemann, 1932)
This post is about W. Somerset Maugham’s penultimate play, For Services Rendered, written more to please himself after his successful career was firmly established. After over eighty years, this play is to be put on stage once again in Nottingham to commemorate the First World War for the duration of one week.

For Services Rendered. A Play in Three Acts - Storyline
For Services Rendered was first produced at the Globe Theatre on 1 November 1932. It…