
Showing posts from December, 2013

My W. Somerset Maugham Collection

This is going to be a very personal post. A dear reader of mine has asked me to show a photo of my Maugham collection, so here it is. I have, not strictly speaking, two books missing, one play and one novel. In the early days, I got some volumes that I would not consider now as true first edition, but perfection is an art. Time (and gold, of course) will make up to it.

I would consider myself a low brow collector, if one has to categorize. I don't mind battered copies; dust jacket is fanta…

W. Somerset Maugham - 48th Anniversary of Death (16 December 1965)

When my obituary notice at last appears in The Times, and they say: "What, I thought he died years ago," my ghost will gently chuckle. (A Writer's Notebook xvi)
W. Somerset Maugham: "Teller of Tales," "Famed Writer," "The Last of the Giants of English Literature"
"In the end a writer is not judged by popular attention but by the worth of what he wrote, and how well it may endure the test of the years," wrote an anonymous contributor in the

W. Somerset Maugham by M.K. Naik - A Review

Naik, M.K. W. Somerset Maugham. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966.
In this post, we are going to look at a book of criticism on W. Somerset Maugham's works as a whole, which, I am very sorry to say, adds nothing to contribute to an analysis of Maugham's endeavours.

The Readable Maugham
Upon finishing the book, an inevitable question forces itself on the reader: why Naik writes the book at all? His opinion of Maugham's oeuvre is very low, and it is inconceivable that he was…